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Introducing Our New Business Channels Editor: David Strom

Over the past couple of years we’ve been growing our ReadWriteWeb channels. These are subsites of ReadWriteWeb that are targeted at a specific audience. We now have six channels: ReadWriteEnterprise, ReadWriteCloud, ReadWriteHack, ReadWriteBiz, ReadWriteStart and ReadWriteMobile. As our channels have grown, the opportunity has arisen for an experienced editorial manager to join our team.

Today, David Strom starts as our new Business Channels Editor. David will be responsible for leading and managing the business-focused channels, which currently are ReadWriteEnterprise, ReadWriteCloud, ReadWriteHack and ReadWriteBiz. David is a vastly experienced editorial manager. For example he was Executive Editor at PC Week magazine in the late 1980s, while I was still at school! So we’re thrilled to have David join ReadWriteWeb. Here’s more about David’s career so far:


He has

had several editorial management positions for both print and online properties

in the enthusiast, gaming, IT, network, channel and electronics industries,

including the editor-in-chief of Network Computing print, Digital, and Tom’s

Over the

course of his editorial career, he has helped launch dozens of Web sites,

including the DesignLine series (such as for CMP’s

Electronics Group) and several sites for Tom’s

Hardware. As the founding editor-in-chief for Network Computing magazine, he hired a staff of 20,

established the magazine’s six networked laboratories, designed a network-based

publishing and production system and wrote many articles on networking topics.

He has

written over two thousand different articles covering a wide variety of opinion

columns, reviews, feature stories and analyses for dozens of publications and

web sites, including,,, Network World, Infoworld, Computerworld, Small

Business Computing, c|net and, eWeek, Baseline Magazine, PC World, and

PC Magazine. For many years, he wrote weekly opinion

columns on eCommerce for IDGWorld’s email subscription service, and networking

columns in Infoworld

and PC Week.

In addition to managing the four channels mentioned above, David will be a senior writer in ReadWriteEnterprise and ReadWriteCloud. I for one look forward to reading his daily insights into Web-based business. Welcome David!


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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