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Couchpubtato Lets Your CouchDB Store PubSubHubbub Feeds

couch_db_logo.jpgCouchpubtato brings together PubSubHubbub and CouchDB, giving you the ability to turn your feeds into real-time streams and then make any Couch database act as a subscriber endpoint.

Couchpubtato converts incoming XML RSS and ATOM feed data into JSON Activity Streams format. Here’s an example:



To set up Couchpubtato, you’ll need to have CouchApp installed. You’ll then need to create a new Couch database and then use Superfeedr or the regular PubSubHubbub protocol for your calls – or in the far more eloquent words of the project description: when you run couchapp push, “it will enhance your database with the magical PubSubHubbub sprinkles contained in Couchpubtato and teach your database how to store PubSubHubbub data.”


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