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Poll: What was the Most Exciting Developer News from Google I/O?

Now that Google’s big developer conference, Google I/O, has wrapped, we thought it would be fun to look back on all the news Google announced this week, especially as it pertains to Android developers. As you digest the information – there was a lot of it! – and reflect on all the things you heard, what announcement got you the most excited? Was it the new ADK? Android@Home? Market updates? Ice Cream Sandwich? Honeycomb 3.1? Google TV? Something else?

Let us know what really got you revved up from this year’s Google I/O in our ReadWriteMobile weekly poll.


In case you need a recap, we’ll provide a brief summary of the mobile-related announcements below. Then you can vote for what you thought was the most exciting news in the poll.

Google I/O Mobile Recap

  • Google announced Android 3.1 with better multi-tasking, resizable widgets, input from mice, joysticks and gamepads. Plus, devices can now act as USB hosts.
  • Ice Cream Sandwich will merge Gingerbread and Honeycomb. It’s one OS that runs everywhere.
  • Android Open Accessory Development Kit (ADK) lets you extend Android to control or monitor external devices.
  • Android@Home is a new development platform for connecting Android devices to home appliances and other devices. Example: Project Tungsten, an NFC-based home music system.
  • Android upgrade initiative announced: partners to agree on guidelines for updating Android devices in timely fashion. Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, Motorola & Google are on board.
  • Google TV gets Android Market and Honeycomb 3.1
  • Android Market is updated with improved app discovery features, plus multiple APK support for developers.




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