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SendGrid Revamps Its Pricing

SendGrid, a popular e-mail sending service, revamped its pricing plans today. Facing competition from services like Amazon SES and the forthcoming Message Bus, SendGrid is bringing its pricing more in-line with’s.

Each of these services is designed to enable companies to send large numbers of e-mail, such as account confirmations and password resets, without being snared by spam filters.


  • FREE: A full-featured free trial that includes, 200 email credits/day, advanced deliverability features, advanced reporting and analytics, access to all API’s, premium support, and the newsletter application.
  • Lite Plan: 10 cents per thousand emails pay-as-you-go plan, with no volume limits. Includes basic deliverability features, access to the SMTP API, Web API, SMTP Relay, basic reporting and analytics, and premium support.
  • Bronze Plan: $9.95/month with 40,000 email credits/month. Includes all of the features from the Lite Plan, plus Advanced Reporting and Analytics.
  • Silver Plan: $79.95/month with 100,000 email credits/month. Includes all of the features from the Bronze Plan plus Advanced Deliverability features, additional API’s (Parse API, Event API, OEM API), Sub-user Capabilities, and the Newsletter application.
  • Gold Plan: $199.95/month with 300,000 email credits/month, with the full feature set of the Silver Plan.
  • Platinum Plan: $399.95/month with 700,000 email credits/month, with the full feature set of the Silver Plan.

SendGrid’s old pricing model started at about $.80 – $1 per 1,000 e-mails. Amazon SES charges $.10 per 1,000, and EC2 customers get 2,000 free e-mails per day. For more pricing comparisons, see our previous coverage.

Disclosure: SendGrid is a ReadWriteWeb sponsor.

Photo by Alex Perkins


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