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Game Break: Get Criminal With ‘Lawless’ for iOS



Lawless is an arcade-style shooter for iOS set in a gritty, 1990s Los Angeles. Players take on the cops to become the nastiest criminal in the city.

You’ll Like Lawless if You Like: Playing Time Crisis 2 in the arcade, and watching ’90s action film Heat.

Who Makes It? DeNA, a mobile games company that started in Japan and is expanding quickly to Europe and North America. The game was also designed by Ben Cousins, who created The Drowning, which creatively solved the accuracy problem of putting a first-person shooter on mobile

What’s Special? The touch controls for shooting are reminiscent of a light gun, offering precision with the tap of one or two fingers. The graphics and detail are sharp, but they actually capture the gritty feeling of ’90s L.A Read more…

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Mobile Games, Ios Games, and Game Break

Read more : Game Break: Get Criminal With ‘Lawless’ for iOS

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