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‘Jack Gepetto’ Might Have Lil Bub Licked on Instagram



Imagine Lil Bub and Miley Cyrus got together in a secret science lab to create the world’s coolest cat

Don’t hurt your brain thinking about it too much. Purr hello to Jack Gepetto, the latest Instagram supercat that can’t seem to keep his tongue in his mouth.

Jack was born with his jaw bones fused together, which led to his distinct look. When his lower jaw didn’t grow as much and created an overbite, his tongue started sticking out and now it can’t stop, won’t stop

Don’t worry, though — the owners assure fans on his website that the little cutie has his “own little messy way” of eating. Read more…

More about Pics, Cats, Cute Animals, Instagram, and Watercooler

Read more : ‘Jack Gepetto’ Might Have Lil Bub Licked on Instagram

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