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Google Tweaks Its Plans for Google Video, Makes It Easier to Move to YouTube

Last week, Google notified owners of video content on Google Video that the site would be officially shuttered, giving them what felt like very short notice on its closure. Effective April 29, videos would no longer be available for playback, and users had until May 13 to download content.

Although Google Video hasn’t allowed uploads since 2009, the site still contains almost 3 million videos according to Google Operating Systems. Many users complained that Google had made no easy way to port content over to YouTube.

On Friday, Google announced that it was making some adjustments to its plans. It’s eliminating the April 29 deadline. Furthermore, it’s working on a way to automatically migrate videos to YouTube.


While videos will remain available and playable on Google Video, many people will want to move their content to YouTube. To facilitate this, Google has created an “Upload Videos to YouTube” option. You’ll need to make sure the two accounts are connected, and you’ll need to read the YouTube terms of service. The option to simply download your videos remains.

Google Video now emphasizes search, rather than storage, but Google appears to have listened to its users and is keeping the latter available.



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