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More Resources for Mobile Design Inspiration

Apps iphone 150x150Not too long ago, we highlighted a new website for mobile design inspiration called The site, created by Foursquare’s lead designer Mari Sheibley, is meant to serve as a home to mobile screenshots showcasing various UI elements, including sign-up flows, splash screens, comment boxes and more.

However, Mobile-Patterns isn’t the only site of its kind. Thanks to ReadWriteMobile commenters and others for listing more resources deserving a mention. We’ve rounded these up below.


While not necessarily new, the sites below can also serve as valuable resources for mobile designers in need of inspiration.

To begin, a popular site called pttrns is a resource for iOS designers. It offers a larger selection of screenshots than Sheibley’s new site – in fact, there are over 30 categories of screenshots hosted there. In addition, as a commenter noted, you can view the samples at both 1x and 2x (retina) size.


Another commenter, Geoff Gauchet, shared the resource he created for mobile app patterns, specifically meant for webOS developers:

WebOS Design Patterns

Finally, one of our favorites comes from Chris of Mobile GUI who let us know about There, you’ll find a complete list of mobile design galleries which is kept up-to-date as new ones arise. Currently, the list includes Android Patterns, App Sites, CSS iPhone, dribble, ember, FWA Mobile Gallery, iOS Inspires Me, iOSpirations, jQuery Mobile Gallery, Landing Pad, Make Better Apps, Mobile Awesomeness, Mobile UI Patterns, Moobile Frames, pttrns, Refined Mobile, TapFancy and TappGala.

Mobile gui

The MobileGUI website also hosts a number of other resources, tools and tips for both mobile app developers and designers alike. Definitely worth a bookmark!

Know of more? Let us know, we’ll keep this list going.

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