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Uber brings its Exec car service to London

redknapps Uber brings its Exec car service to London

Uber has launched its mid-tier UberExec service in London today, extending the range of pricing options Uber customers have when choosing to book their next taxi journey with the company.

While it already operates its lower-cost UberX service and its more lavish UberLux service in London, it also thought giving corporate users an equivalent service in the form of UberExec would go down well with city types.

As it’s aimed at busy people on the move, each car also includes useful things like in-car phone chargers too. To access UberExec, simply open up the regular Uber app and select the Exec ride option from the bottom of the screen.

Uber fares Uber brings its Exec car service to London

➤ Exec is arriving in London [Uber]


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