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Hands On With Google Glass 2: What’s New?

Last month, Google cut a one-time deal with existing Google Glass Explorers allowing them to swap their familiar futuristic facewear out for the next evolution of Google Glass. But beyond the announcement of a more robust set of developer tools—the long-awaited GDK—and a then-baffling little earbud accessory to pair with our ill-fated Google Music experience, we didn’t know a whole lot about the next version of Glass.

There were the things we wanted, sure, but does the second Explorer Edition of Google Glass deliver? Read on for our early impressions of Google Glass Explorer Edition XE-C.

The second version of Glass available to the still-quite-limited public is actually version XE-C, while the version that graced the doorstep of Google I/O 2012 attendees earlier this year was version XE-B.

New Glass XE-C label.

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