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Go Hard in the Paint on Zombies in New ‘WakaVille’ Mobile Game



If there’s one thing the world knows about rapper Waka Flocka Flame, it’s that the man goes hard in the mothaf****ng paint

Waka’s ethos, also evidenced in his hit song of same title, is palpable in his newly released mobile game, WakaVille. In it, your dreadlocked avatar’s mission is to kill hordes of zombies, leaving their undead bodies stinking and others to wonder what they had even been thinking, as the lyrics go

I’m big on, like, the zombie apocalypse, I’m big on aliens,” Waka told Mashable from his tour bus while en route from Portland to Seattle. “So this sounded like the perfect game. I wanted to make something real nerdy, you know what I’m saying?” Read more…

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