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Watch the LG G Flex Magically Heal Itself Before Your Eyes



There’s nothing worse than scratching up the back of your pristine smartphone, either from keys or an unfortunate drop on the concrete. It’s a terrible feeling, and LG wants to help.

The company’s new G Flex smartphone, which features a curved display, comes with a self-healing exterior that fixes all the little bumps and bruises nearly in real time. YouTube user Marques Brownlee posted a video of the not-yet-launched device and experimented with how capable the G Flex is; the results are astonishing.

Like magic, scratches from even a knife slowly disappear into the casing. Heat helps speed up the healing process, too, so rubbing your hands on the cover minimizes scratches much more quickly. You can push the sides of the curved display, essentially flattening it out before it slowly resumes its natural bended position Read more…

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