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9 Tips for a Better Company Culture



Companies aren’t built by individuals, they’re built by teams with complementary skills. But recruiting good talent is half the battle — you also need to foster an environment in which your employees can flourish and grow.

We spoke with nine entrepreneurs to get their tips for building a great team and retaining the talent. Have any more tips? Let us know in the comments below.

1. Always Be Hiring

“Hiring is a continuous process, not a punctual hunt,” says Alexandre Winter, founder and CEO at Placemeter, who advises you to avoid specific job descriptions. “Hire in tech, product or business, but only take people that really wow you.” It’s important to think about the person’s career path, too — let them adjust to new responsibilities and be mindful of where they are and where they’re going. Winter says one of the biggest mistakes you can make with bright and talented employees is burning them out by giving them too much work too soon. Read more…

More about Hiring, Company Culture, Business, Small Business, and Startups

Read more : 9 Tips for a Better Company Culture

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