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18 Vine Creations Built With Legos and Minifigures



For this week’s Mashable Vine Challenge, we asked you to build, destroy, play and create with Legos

We saw some ambitious animations of minifigures in action and reenactments of old-school games and popular movies like The Dark Knight and Star Wars. The #LegoMania hashtag also collected some hilarious non-stop-motion videos that we loved.

Vineographer Hunter Harrison guest hosted the challenge.

“Initially, I expected a lot of time-lapse construction and mini-figure stop-motion, but surprisingly didn’t see much of that. I was impressed by the creativity in the submissions,” he said. “It all goes to show that we’re never too old to play with toys, and our childlike imagination never leaves us … sometimes it’s just hidden under a bunch of Lego bricks.” Read more…

More about Social Media, Lego, Vine, Apps Software, and Apps And Software

Read more : 18 Vine Creations Built With Legos and Minifigures

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