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Motorola Announces The Moto G: What The iPhone 5C Should Have Been

Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside

Motorola CEO Dennis Woodside

Motorola today announced the Moto G, a mid-market smartphone designed to give consumers a high quality experience for the fraction of the price. The Moto G is the global successor to Motorola’s well-received Moto X and sports better quality hardware than most cheaper smartphones sold around the world.

The Moto G has a 4.5-inch display with 329 pixels-per-inch and a quad-core 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor. It comes with a removable back in a variety of colors—called Motorola Shells—and runs on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. The battery is 2070 mAh, which Motorola promises will run “all day,” and has a 5-megapixel back camera.

The real news though is the price. The 8 GB of internal storage version will retail at $179 without a carrier contract and an unlocked SIM card. The 16-GB version will cost $199. The Moto G is available today in Brazil and parts of Europe today and will be available in other parts of the world in the coming weeks. Motorola said that the Moto G will be available in the United States at the beginning of January 2014.

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