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Does 1 Snapchat Equal 4 Instagrams?



Insane company valuations are a fact of life in the tech world. So perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised at Wednesday’s report that Snapchat — a tiny company with a single app and no income — turned down a $3 billion acquisition offer from Facebook, or that it is said to have new investors that value the startup at $4 billion

You can make a lot of eyebrow-raising comparisons based on sale prices for other companies. For instance, Lucasfilm and Marvel, two companies which created decades of unforgettable imagery, both sold to Disney for $4 billion; therefore, each is apparently as valuable to our society as an app maker whose whole purpose is to annihilate imagery. Read more…

More about Instagram, Social Media, Apps Software, and Snapchat

Read more : Does 1 Snapchat Equal 4 Instagrams?

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