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Heartwarming Google India Ad Packs Cinematic Story Into 3 Minutes



Google facilitates a reunion between two childhood friends separated by the 1947 India-Pakistan partition in this touching ad from Google India.

In the ad, an elderly man named Baldev tells his granddaughter about his childhood friend Yusuf. The two used to fly kites and steal Jhajariyas from a nearby shop and hang out in a park with an ancient gate in a town called Lahore

Using this information, the woman does a Google search for “park with ancient gate in Lahore” and finds a Wikipedia entry that reveals its name: Mochi Gate. She then does a Google search for “oldest sweet shop near Mochi Gate Lahore” and finds a place called Fazal Sweets Read more…

More about Google, Advertising, World, Google India, and Business

Read more : Heartwarming Google India Ad Packs Cinematic Story Into 3 Minutes

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