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The American Civil War in 3D for Its Sesquicentennial

librarycongress_applogo.pngYesterday was the 150th anniversary of the United States Civil War. The official beginning of hostilities took place on April 12, 1861 when the states that ceded from the union attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

The Civil War was documented using state-of-the-art technology, stereo photography, the original 3D. Now, the Library of Congress has released some of their stereoscopic collection as modern 3-D anaglyphs to be viewed with blue/red 3D movie glasses.


According to a blog post by LOC Photography Curator, Carol Johnson, the Library has over “2,000 original Civil War glass plate and vintage card stereos” in its collection. Here are the anaglyphs of a few of them the LOC has released on its Flickr stream.

civil war 1.jpg
General Ulysses S. Grant examining a map with General George Meade, 1864

Centerville, Virginia, 1862

Petersburg Rail Depot in Richmond, Virginia, 1865

Photos from the Library of Congress | other sources: MSNBC, A Blog About History


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