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‘Family Guy’ Creator Brings Carl Sagan Archive to Library of Congress



Carl Sagan, the scientist who helped us understand our place among the stars, has established his own place among the volumes of one of the world’s largest libraries.

In a ceremony on site, The Library of Congress announced Tuesday the opening of an archive dedicated to Sagan and Ann Druyan, Sagan’s professional collaborator and widowFamily Guy creator Seth MacFarlane provided funding for the installation, which is officially called The Seth MacFarlane Collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan Archive

“[MacFarlane] was a great fan of Carl Sagan’s work from a young age and believes it is important for science education such as Sagan provided on a mass public basis to continue,” Library of Congress spokeswoman Erin Allen told Mashable in an email. Read more…

More about Space, Nasa, Library Of Congress, Seth Macfarlane, and Carl Sagan

Read more : ‘Family Guy’ Creator Brings Carl Sagan Archive to Library of Congress

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