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Inside the Most High-Tech Cab in New York: Car Force One



Sometimes you think you’ve seen everything in tech. Other times, everything in tech gets packed into a car for the ultimate in luxury. If you ever wanted to play on a PlayStation 4, watch cable TV, finish some work on a full-size keyboard, print photos and/or enjoy a beer as strobe lights pulsate around you on your way to work in a clean, comfy cab, take a ride in Car Force One.

A ride fit for a president, Car Force One is a luxury car service that chauffeurs you around the New York area in the most teched-out car in the world. And the truckload of amenities are at no additional cost.

According to Car Force One founder and CEO Ishai, the company’s priority is customer satisfaction. “My company is not about the car, it’s about the service. It’s for the clients,” said Ishai, who declined to divulge his last name. Read more…

More about New York, Technology, Transportation, Taxis, and Cab

Read more : Inside the Most High-Tech Cab in New York: Car Force One

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