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Mass Relevance Taps Former USA Exec to Lead Second-Screen Innovation



Mass Relevance — a company that focuses on creating social experiences for brands, agencies and media companies — has tapped Jesse Redniss for its newly created position of Chief Strategy Officer.

Redniss comes to Mass Relevance from USA Network, where he worked as the senior vice president of digital for the network. At USA, Redniss played an integral role in the network’s second screen and social TV integrations, most notably with the Emmy-nominated HashTag Killer social and transmedia integration for the hit show, Psych.

In social TV and second screen circles, Redniss has been known as one of the network suits that “gets” digital and social. His approach to digital and social at USA was unique in that he didn’t just tack on digital or social at the end, as part of a marketing campaign removed from the creators and cast members of a show, but instead brought social into the conversation and storytelling process as early as possible, Read more…

More about Social Tv, Usa Network, Second Screen, Mass Relevance, and Business

Read more : Mass Relevance Taps Former USA Exec to Lead Second-Screen Innovation

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