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Want to Be in Star Wars Episode VII? This May Be Your Best Shot



Hey, wannabe Jedi: time to start shopping for flights to the UK or Ireland

There is a massive open casting call for a generic “Walt Disney Pictures film” on Nov. 9 and 10 in Bristol, continuing through Nov. 24 in Glasgow, London, Manchester and Dublin. The call is for two characters — a 17- to 18-year-old “street-smart” woman, and a 19- to 23-year-old orphaned man.

Though Lucasfilm hasn’t yet confirmed it, there are several very good reasons to believe this is a Star Wars Episode VII casting call for director J.J. Abrams. There’s nothing else on the Disney docket that would require or justify casting such a wide net for unknown actors Read more…

More about Uk, Movies, Ireland, Actors, and Star Wars

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