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Microsoft Narrowing Its List Of CEO Candidates

Reuters is reporting that the candidate list of replacements for Chief Executive Steve Ballmer at Microsoft has supposedly been narrowed to five people.

Citing sources in the know, the short list includes Ford CEO Alan Mulally as an external candidate. Internal candidates Former Nokia CEO, now Vice President of Microsoft’s Devices & Services business unit, Stephen Elop; former Skype CEO and current Executive VP of Microsoft’s Business Development and Evangelism group Tony Bates; and Satya Nadella, Executive VP of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group.

Mulally, for his part, has demurred any speculation that he intends to leave Ford and join the Microsoft team. But that doesn’t mean he won’t pack up and move from Michigan to Washington if the price is right.

Elop seems to be the inside favorite for the CEO gig, since he has prior Microsoft experience, and the CEO of Nokia line on his resume isn’t hurting his chances, either.

Image courtesy of Reuters/Thomas Peter.

Read more : Microsoft Narrowing Its List Of CEO Candidates

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