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Does De Blasio Have a Place in Bloomberg’s Silicon Alley?



New York City woke up to a new mayor-elect Wednesday morning after Democrat Bill de Blasio swept Tuesday’s election with 73% of the vote over Republican Joe Lhota.

While de Blasio won’t officially take office until Jan. 1, he already touts plans for, seemingly, every industry that grabs his attention. But in a city where technology is the second-largest sector of the economy, can de Blasio hang on to the bar that outgoing Mayor Michael Bloomberg set so high?

Ahead of September’s primary, NYTECH, a non-profit that promotes the technology industry in New York City, rated the mayoral candidates based on their tech platforms. De Blasio earned an A-, the highest grade given to any of the eight candidates, for his support of NYC Tech Campus projects and his promise to create an Office of Talent Acquisition that would attract and cultivate innovative workers Read more…

More about Nyc, New York City, Michael Bloomberg, Us World, and Politics

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