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AssuredLabor, A Mobile Job Hunting Platform For Latin America, Beefs Up Revenue, Board


Assured Labor, a job hunting startup that began out of MIT and helps 25,000 employers hire across Latin America, has been doubling revenue month over month for four of the last five months and is beefing up its board.

The company has about 750,000 job seekers across two main platforms in Brazil and Mexico. Because job seekers in these markets might not have access to desktop computers, Assured Labor has built a mobile centric platform where users can get text alerts on when there are positions that might be relevant to them. Many of the listings are for jobs in sales or administration.

CEO David Reich says the company is adding about 1,000 employers a month. The company picked up $5.5 million in funding from Mexican private equity firm Capital Indigo, Great Oaks Venture Capital, Nexus Venture Partners and Kima Ventures about six months ago.

“We’re running at a fast clip and are able to consistently deliver way better opportunities to low wage job seekers than anyone else in the market,” said Reich, who just moved to Mexico City from New York about two months ago.

The company’s adding a few veterans, Steve Pogorzelski and AndrĂ© Andrade, from the recruiting and telecommunications world.

Pogorzelski was the international group president of one of the biggest Web 1.0-era job hunting sites, Monster, through its heyday from 1998 through 2008. He’s now the CEO of ClickFuel, an Massachusetts-based online marketing company.

The other new board member, AndrĂ© Andrade, was the COO of Movile and was an executive at two of Brazil’s largest wireless carriers, Vivo and Claro. He’s now a CEO at Titans Group, which creates value-added services for mobile carriers around the world.

Read more : AssuredLabor, A Mobile Job Hunting Platform For Latin America, Beefs Up Revenue, Board

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