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Flickr Posts Precisely Matched Hurricane Sandy’s Landfall



When Hurricane Sandy came ashore in October 2012, it made waves in the virtual world as well as the real one.

Photographs posted to the picture-sharing website Flickr track Sandy’s landfall on Oct. 30, 2012, precisely, according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Scientific Reports.

“Our results show that the greatest number of photos taken with Flickr titles, descriptions or tags including the words ‘hurricane,’ ‘sandy’ or ‘hurricane sandy’ were taken in exactly the hour which Hurricane Sandy made landfall,” study researcher Tobias Preis, a professor of behavioral science and finance at the Warwick Business School in the U.K., wrote in an email to LiveScience. Read more…

More about Flickr, Weather, Us World, Us, and Hurricane Sandy

Read more : Flickr Posts Precisely Matched Hurricane Sandy’s Landfall

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