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Open Source Social Networks on Your Desktop: Seesmic Adds Elgg Support

Open source social network framework Elgg (like WordPress for Facebooks) is now supported by social media client app Seesmic, according to an announcement on the Seesmic blog this morning. With the addition of the Elgg plug-in, Seesmic users can now view and update multiple Elgg networks in the same interface they use for Twitter, Facebook, Ning and numerous other networks.

Elgg is good for groups interested in creating niche networks under their own control, either publicly or privately. The service can run on your own servers or through a hosted version just launched last Summer. Seesmic is a Salesforce-backed social network meta-service, allowing users to interact with multiple networks on multiple platforms.


Open source social networking is good for the web and for the world because it advances user and community freedom and helps mitigate the power of social network behemoths. Support for open source social networks by proprietary software like Seesmic is great for everyone and helps enrich the usefulness of those networks and the software used to build them.

Neither of Seesmic’s leading competitors, Tweetdeck and Hootsuite, appear to support Elgg to date.

ReadWriteWeb has done two in-depth interviews with Elgg co-founder David Tosh over the past 4 years. Tosh is now “experimenting” on a stealth project called Bluejac.

Below, a screenshot of an Elgg community accessed via Seesmic.



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