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The Cloud Stratosphere [Infographic]

769 - Blue Sky - PatternWe have been ending the week here with an infographic we find that looks to have some value for at least a snapshot of the market.

This week, the Horn Group sent us an infographic that shows the vendors in what it calls the Cloud Computing Stratosphere. The group created the infographic to help give its clients some perspective on the market. They sought out Forrester Research for context and guidance.


The infographic looks at the cloud according to four strata:

  • Communications and Social Applications
  • Software as a Service
  • Platform as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service


There are some companies missing. For instance, is absent but its Chatter service is included.

But generally it does a fairly decent job of showing the overall cloud world. How would you critique this infographic? Does it do a decent job of showing the general, cloud computing marketplace?


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