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Inside Google’s 1-Million-Square-Foot London Office — 3 Years Before It Opens



Google’s new London office, scheduled to open in 2016, will have an open-air swimming pool, an indoor football pitch, a climbing wall and a roof garden from which to watch trains glide out of Kings Cross station toward Cambridge or Hogwarts. Googlers can cycle right into the building and to the cycle store room, which is equipped with showers and lockers. Somewhere in the interstices, there will also be desks to work at.

View of St Pancras. INK/Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

The 1-million-sqare-foot office will sit on 2.4 acres of land between Kings Cross and St. Pancras stations. When the deal was announced in January, it was one of the biggest commercial property acquisitions in BritainReuters reports Google will spend

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