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Fab Cofounder Leaves the Company



Bradford Shellhammer, cofounder and chief designer of, is leaving the company after just more than four years

Shellhammer (right) announced the move in a blog post Friday, noting that he wants to pursue other creative projects, though has yet to decide on which ones. He will remain a shareholder and non-executive advisor to the startup

“I want to make other things in this world. And Fab is at a point in its history where I’ve decided to walk away from the day to day,” Shellhammer wrote in the post. “Though Fab’s business model has evolved, the very core of Fab is where it was many years ago, when it was dreamt up by me and Jason [Goldberg] in a restaurant in the West Village in the middle of our second bottle of wine. Fab remains set on a mission to brighten people’s lives with design. I am a staunch believer in this mission.” Read more…

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