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Google+ Overhauls Photo, Video Features in Major Update



Google+ announced 18 new features on Tuesday, including multiple updates to Hangouts and additional tools for users who utilize the site for photographs. The updates will roll out in the “coming days,” according to a spokesperson

Google+ also shared new user metrics, confirming that the site has 540 million active users if you count log-ins through Gmail and 300 million monthly active users in the stream (users who visit the website or app directly). Users also upload 1.5 billion photos per week, said Google VP Vic Gundotra.

Among the Hangouts updates, Google+ has added SMS to the messaging service, meaning users can message with others using text. The update comes on the heels of Facebook’s similar update to its Messenger app on Tuesday Read more…

More about Google, Ios, Vic Gundotra, Hangouts, and Social Media

Read more : Google+ Overhauls Photo, Video Features in Major Update

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