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Never-Before-Seen Footage From ‘Star Wars’ Appears on Facebook



For Star Wars fans, Christmas has come early. Last week, never-before-seen footage from Return of the Jedi appeared on Facebook, posted by a fan who bought an old LaserDisc that Lucasfilm created back in the ’80s to showcase an editing system.

The fan has posted nine videos to a Facebook page so far. Most are alternate takes of well-known scenes, such as when Luke Skywalker visits Jedi Master Yoda for the last time. There’s also a minute-long clip of R2-D2 repairing Luke’s X-Wing fighter on Dagobah.

All the footage appears to originate from a LaserDisc that was recently up for sale on eBay. Lucasfilm reportedly made the disc with 50 “raw takes” from Jedi to promote an editing system called EditDroid, which never achieved commercial success despite being one of the first digital editing systems for film. The item description says the disc was used for demo purposes at trade shows and conventions. Read more…

More about Facebook, Yoda, Star Wars, Lucasfilm, and Entertainment

Read more : Never-Before-Seen Footage From ‘Star Wars’ Appears on Facebook

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