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Dad Adorably Weeps With Joy Over Son’s Good Grade



It was a good day in the Shahrokhshahi household, thanks to a math grade

Seventeen-year-old Aria Shahrokhshahi brought home a “C” for his final math grade, raising it from an “F,” which absolutely overjoyed his father, Farnoosh. Aria secretly recorded his dad’s epic reaction to the news. The video was filmed seven months ago, but Aria only just decided to put it online this week.

In the video, Farnoosh explodes into tears, asking, “Is that real? Is that real? My God!” The tender, and relatable, moment has amassed 1.5 million views in just two days

But even Aria couldn’t prepare for his dad’s reaction, he told Mashable. He admits that his dad is emotional, but that this was a new level of “raw and powerful.” Read more…

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