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5 Surprising Facts About Tom Hanks



Pop quiz: Who is the most beloved actor of our time? If you said “Jaleel White,” you’re close.

It’s Tom Hanks, of course. The dude has starred in some of the best films to ever grace the Silver Screen, and he’s just so damn likable it’s kinda driving us crazy.

But did you know that Hanks is distantly related to Abraham Lincoln? Or that astronomers named an asteroid after him? Pop some corn and dim the lights, because our newest episode of #5facts drops now.

If you’re a 5facts fan, prove your love by subscribing to our YouTube channel. We’ll see you next week with another thrilling episode!

On last week’s episode of 5 FactsRead more…

More about Movies, Tom Hanks, Watercooler, Videos, and 5 Facts

Read more : 5 Surprising Facts About Tom Hanks

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