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Enterprise Software Company Blue Rooster Raises $3M, Opens Hong Kong Office

Blue Rooster

Enterprise software company Blue Rooster announced today that it has raised $3 million from PFU Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujitsu. Seattle-based Blue Rooster said the funding is the first installment in a multi-stage investment that has not yet been completed.

The company plans to open a Hong Kong office and establish a Strategy Practice Area that will be headed by Todd Ray, its newly hired executive vice president. Ray previously worked for eight years on Microsoft’s business strategy consulting team, where he helped clients implement software and online services such as SharePoint, which is also one of Blue Rooster’s specialities. The Strategy Practice Area will assist Global 500 companies as they plan, build and adopt collaborative intranets and mobile-related platforms.

Blue Rooster’s new Hong Kong office will allow it to provide more localized and direct service to clients with significant operations in the Asia-Pacific region, founder and president Kevin Conroy told me by email. The company also plans to expand its office in New York City and may eventually scale up into Europe.

“We don’t have significant plans at this time, but our business is very profitable and healthy and we do anticipate continued expansion both in the U.S. and abroad, especially as the needs of our global clients evolve,” said Conroy.

Founded in 2000, Blue Rooster received no outside funding before PFU Limited’s investment. The company’s client roster has included FedEx, Abbott Labs, Eli Lilly, Chevron and Microsoft. Conroy says that the company competes with “a mixture of major global consulting and technology companies, as well as digital agencies,” and seeks to differentiate by providing a combination of technical and design expertise, especially in Microsoft SharePoint. Blue Rooster also offers its own enterprise collaboration software, Madison, that helps improve document sharing within a company.

Read more : Enterprise Software Company Blue Rooster Raises $3M, Opens Hong Kong Office

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