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Joss Whedon Loves BriTANicK and So Should You



Last year, Joss Whedon switched gears from his usual fantasy-fueled projects to tackle a classic. The result was a modern day update of William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

Whedon packed the film with actors from his hit TV shows and movies, including Amy Acker, Nathan Fillion and Fran Kanz. But two of the actors featured in film were plucked straight off the Internet by the director.

Comedians Brian McElhaney and Nick Kocher, together known as BriTANicK (rhymes with Titanic), have been writing, directing and performing on their own YouTube channel since 2008. While they’ve both dipped their toes into film, both separately and together, Whedon’s project was their first time working on a major studio film project Read more…

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