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Hasbro Sells 1 Million ‘Angry Birds Star Wars’ Telepods



Hasbro has sold more than 1 million Telepods, the tie-in action figures for Angry Birds Star Wars II, the company announced Monday.

Telepods allow players to import their favorite Angry Birds Star Wars characters into the game using a phone or tablet’s camera to scan a QR code on each base. Players can swap in characters at any point, placing them on the slingshot instead of the default bird.

This game mechanic skirts around microtransactions in a different way. Instead of purchasing packs of extra characters with in-game or real money, players just scan the Telepod one time, and it’s in the the game foreverAngry Birds Star Wars II was also the first game that allowed players to put the pigs in the slingshot with the Empire’s “Pork Side” characters. Read more…

More about Gaming, Hasbro, Angry Birds, Rovio, and Entertainment

Read more : Hasbro Sells 1 Million ‘Angry Birds Star Wars’ Telepods

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