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MIT Develops ‘Kinect of the Future’ That Tracks People Through Walls



Perhaps, one day, your Kinect will be able to follow you through the walls of your house

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a motion-tracking device, which they call the “Kinect of the future.” It can follow a person even when in another room, pinpointing his or her location with extreme accuracy, using only radio waves. (Kinect is the Xbox 360’s motion sensor.)

The device tracks a single person with an accuracy of plus or minus 10 centimeters — about the size of an adult hand. Apart from the ability to “see” through a wall, its main advantage is that the person being tracked isn’t required to wear a transmitter. While other location systems depend on Wi-Fi, this device can track a person’s movements within the radius of its radio waves. Read more…

More about Tracking, Mit, Kinect, Tech, and Gadgets

Read more : MIT Develops ‘Kinect of the Future’ That Tracks People Through Walls

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