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‘A Few Good Men’ Is Much Cuter in the Bathtub



If this 4-year-old wanted to make his parents smile and charm their friends, all he had to memorize from A Few Good Men was Jack Nicholson’s famous line, “You can’t handle the truth!”

Obviously, this kid is an overachiever.

Rather than playing with toy boats, he used his bath time to recite Colonel Jessup’s entire courtroom monologue. And whether or not he understands what he’s saying, he does get into the character, punctuating the more emotional section by hitting himself in the chest

Now the question is how this video will haunt him in the future — as an embarrassing clip his parents drag out on prom night or as part of the reel they play when he accepts his Oscar? Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Cute Kids, Watercooler, and Videos

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