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Gather Round, Gamers: On ‘First’ App, It’s Only Nerd Talk Allowed



What’s more fun than playing games? Talking about them at length with like-minded players. As the Internet has grown, destinations for gamer conversations are springing up everywhere — from regular social media sites to Reddit, to forums hosted by enthusiast websites.

In an attempt to build a community that follows you wherever you’re playing, a team at Red Robot Labs launched First, a mobile-only online community centered around gaming. The app first appeared on Android, but is available for iOS on Thursday.

The app was created by Mike Ouye and Peter Hawley, who both have backgrounds in gaming, along with John Davison, a former head of GameSpot and Metacritic for CBS Interactive. The app was designed based on their observations of how gamers communicate online. Read more…

More about Gaming, Social Media, Mobile Games, Iphone Apps, and Entertainment

Read more : Gather Round, Gamers: On ‘First’ App, It’s Only Nerd Talk Allowed

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