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How Social Data Changes Everything We Know About Marketing Strategies



The emergence of social media and the steady decline of mass media are the two biggest marketing stories of the decade. Both print circulation and TV viewership have been falling consistently since the turn of the century; TV viewership, for instance, is down almost 50% since 2002.

In contrast, social media has reported massive gains since the early days of MySpace, with social media usage among U.S. adults increasing by 800% over the past eight years.

For marketers, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. The rapid transition from mass to social media presents the opportunity to create impactful, relevant marketing messages. This data-powered personalized marketing approach is not only much more effective, but also more cost-efficient and scalable. Read more…

More about Facebook, Twitter, Social Media Marketing, Social Media, and Marketing Plan

Read more : How Social Data Changes Everything We Know About Marketing Strategies

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