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13 Deep Thoughts From Jack Dorsey



Ahead of Twitter’s looming IPO, the business and media worlds have a newfound fascination with Twitter founder and Square CEO Jack Dorsey. In the space of a few weeks, he’s been the subject of a lengthy New Yorker profile, a new book by New York Times technology reporter Nick Bilton and countless blog posts questioning his actual role in the creation of Twitter.

Perhaps it’s Dorsey’s reserved, seemingly stoic nature that is turning him into something of an enigma. Whereas Apple founder Steve Jobs‘ explosive personality was the stuff of legends, Dorsey is, in person, almost unreadable — and on paper, a sort of unfinished sketchThe New Yorker‘s 10,000-word-plus profile of the 36-year-old billionaire entrepreneur offers some insight, but is also filled with Dorsey’s own endearing aphorisms, bits of wisdom and observations that could go over well in the board room or at dinner parties Read more…

More about Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Square, Business, and Startups

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