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Netflix: Coming Soon to Your Cable Set-Top Box?



Netflix and its longstanding rival, the cable industry, may finally be cozying up.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Netflix is in “early stage” discussions with several U.S. cable providers, including Comcast and Suddenlink Communications, to install its service as an app on their set-top boxes. Netflix is already making its app available to about 1.7 million TiVo owners in the UK thanks to a deal signed with Virgin Media in the UK last month.

At the Goldman Sachs Communacopia Conference in New York late last month, David Wells, Netflix’s chief financial officer, said the company “would love to reduce the friction to the end consumer” by making itself available on the devices already available in consumers’ homes: their set-top boxes. He added that it is up to pay TV operators “to decide how much of a competitor they view us as or a complement.” Read more…

More about Comcast, Netflix, Business, Media, and Tv

Read more : Netflix: Coming Soon to Your Cable Set-Top Box?

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