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Zuckerberg’s House-Shopping Spree and Other News You Need to Know



Welcome to this morning’s edition of “First To Know,” a series in which we keep you in the know on what’s happening in the digital world.

Today, we’re looking at three particularly interesting storiesMark Zuckerberg purchased four houses surrounding his Palo Alto home for a total of more than $30 million. According to AllThingsD, NBC News’ SVP and chief digital officer is a shoo-in for Twitter‘s head of news. And in a study of 4,000 individuals conducted by the New York Times, one-third of millennials watch mostly online video and no broadcast television.

Check out the video above for more on these stories. Read more…

More about Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg, New York Times, Millennials, and First To Know Series

Read more : Zuckerberg’s House-Shopping Spree and Other News You Need to Know

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