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Sign Up For Hardware Alley In Disrupt, Become A True Tech Ninja


Hardware Alley is my favorite part of Disrupt and we’re bringing the festivities to Berlin on October 29 when 30 lucky hardware companies can show off their wares. It is a crowd favorite and I’d love to feature your gear.

What is Hardware Alley? It’s a celebration of hardware startups (and other cool gear makers) that features everything from robotic drones to 3D printers. We try to bring in an eclectic mix of amazing exhibitors and I think you’ll agree that our previous Alleys have been roaring successes.

We’d like you to register as a Hardware Alley exhibitor. You’ll get to exhibit on the last day of Disrupt Europe, Sept 11, to show off your goods and get access to some of the most interesting people (and most interesting VCs) in the world. We’d love to have you.

All you need to demo is a laptop. TechCrunch provides you with: 30″ round cocktail table, linens, table top sign, inclusion in program agenda and website, exhibitor WiFi, and press list.

You can reserve your spot by purchasing a Hardware Alley Exhibitor Package.

If you are Kickstarting your project now or bootstrapping, please contact me at with the subject line “HARDWARE ALLEY.” I will do my best to accommodate you but understand we have a limited number of discounts available so act quickly.

We want startups from across Europe so please let me know what you’re up to and if you’re coming. I’m very excited to see the great hardware coming out of the Old Country.

Read more : Sign Up For Hardware Alley In Disrupt, Become A True Tech Ninja

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