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Stephen Colbert Officiates ‘Government Shutdown Wedding of the Century’



The government shutdown has affected 24 couples set to be married in the National Mall and Memorial Parks. If the shutdown doesn’t end soon, they may need to find alternative locations to hold their weddings

For one lucky couple, however, a silver lining accompanied this disappointing news: Stephen Colbert came to the rescue and decide to marry the happy duo on The Colbert Report Thursday night

In this two-part wedding story, Colbert — who has a marriage license — introduced viewers around the world to Mike Cassesso and MaiLien Le, a couple supposed to be married on Oct. 5 at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Entertainment, Tv, Television, and Stephen Colbert

Read more : Stephen Colbert Officiates ‘Government Shutdown Wedding of the Century’

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