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The History of Twitter, From Egg to IPO



Twitter‘s public IPO filing reveals rapid growth, massive spending and plans to raise more than $1 billion. It also marks the next step in the largest technology IPO since Facebook’s in 2012

With all eyes on Twitter, we’ve taken a look at how the company has gone from its humble beginnings as “twttr,” the interoffice communication service at Odeo, to the social media darling of today

This infographic shows Twitter by its most record-breaking, Twittersphere-shattering moments, from its most influential users to the most viral events

Which Twitter moment was the most memorable? What predictions do you have for Twitter’s future? Let us know in the comments. Read more…

More about Twitter, Social Media, Infographics, Business, and Twitter Ipo

Read more : The History of Twitter, From Egg to IPO

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