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10 Startups Making Travel More Affordable



Ask any seasoned traveler about the merits of globetrotting and you’re likely to hear a litany of enthusiastic responses: personal growth, cultural exploration, catharsis.

Ask about the obstacles, however, and one resounding theme emerges: Jetsetting can cost a pretty penny. If your bank account is holding you back from your dream vacation, or if you’re planning a trip and trying to adhere to a budget, these 10 startups can help turn your travel dreams into realities.

1DealScoopr — Personalized Travel for Less

Screen Shot 2013-09-24 at 11.12.32 AMImage: DealScoopr

“Think of DealScoopr as the lovechild of Amazon and Expedia,” says Nitesh Goyal, engineer and co-founder of the travel deals discovery engine. DealScoopr promises travelers a simple way to save time and money on travel bookings. Users log in through Facebook for access to the hottest deals on flights, hotels and getaways in a variety of cities. Read more…

More about Travel, Startup, Startups, Lifestyle, and Travel Leisure

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