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Iranian President Rouhani Responds to Jack Dorsey’s Tweet



Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who took office just a month ago, is quickly finding his footing on social media. He has a very active Twitter account — despite the mystery the enshrouds it

Iran does not have access to Twitter or Facebook, despite a temporary technical glitch that unblocked both sites several weeks ago. On Tuesday, however, Rouhani hinted once again that he may want all that to change

He responded to a tweet by Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey at 4:24 p.m. ET, several hours after Dorsey’s initial tweet.

Evening, @Jack. As I told @camanpour, my efforts geared 2 ensure my ppl’ll comfortably b able 2 access all info globally as is their #right.

— Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani) October 1, 2013 Read more…

More about Jack Dorsey, Iran, Internet Freedom, Twitter, and Us World

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