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Nook Slashes Prices Again in the UK: Is It Struggling or Getting Aggressive?



It looks like the Nook’s woes are not just confined to the U.S. Earlier this week, the Barnes & Noble subsidiary announced that it was cutting the price of its Nook Simple Touch GlowLight ereader to 49 pounds ($79) — almost 50% off the original price. Just five months earlier, the company slashed the price of its entry-level Simple Touch Reader to 29 pounds ($47) from 79 pounds ($127).

Such cuts are usually a sign that a product is not selling well, or a new version of said product is on the way. In the Nook’s case, both scenarios may be true: Sales of ereaders and content have declined over the past two quarters, and both devices have been available on the UK market for nearly a year. Read more…

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